Hey everyone x3 J0zo0h
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Hey everyone x3 J0zo0h
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 Hey everyone x3

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Posts : 36
Join date : 2010-01-27
Age : 35
Location : Florida

Hey everyone x3 Empty
PostSubject: Hey everyone x3   Hey everyone x3 EmptySun Apr 25, 2010 6:39 am

Hey, It's me, not sure who remembers me anymore, but for those of you who do, hai Very Happy

I am playing a game called Grand Fantasia, and it's been quite a while since I played WK and I logged in only to find....it still has not changed.

So the time has come to give away all my stuff and delete it, sorry for anyone who hoped I would come back, but it just really isn't appealing to me anymore.

If you want to play GF with me, email me

If not, I will be in channel b3 auction house for a while, so come get some stuff. ^-^

Cya guys.
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