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View on every class J0zo0h
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Join date : 2010-01-27

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PostSubject: View on every class   View on every class EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 4:52 pm

Starting with the basics


Their range from 1-30 really helps, but I'd say scout is THE worst class level 1-30. They have 2 AoE skills, both with long-ish cooldowns. The other skills are OK, but it is pretty hard to hold a mob from a distance.


Probably the best 1-30. Every attacking skill has AoE and low cooldowns. Shock Stinger is simply the best swordsman skill, probably the 2nd best "beginner class" skill. They can kill with ease and get to 30 quickly.


They have 3 AoE skills, one of each element. Fire blaster really rocks, but doesnt work on different platforms. Mage is like a buffed up scout that drinks more MP pots. 1-30 is also really easy as a Mage.


Since stars cant really be used 1-30, they all use daggers. Typhoon, probably the best 1-30 skill, is available at level 20 and does massive amounts of damage. Combined with the fact they have 3 other AoE skills and low cooldowns, they are probably on Par with swordsman as best level 1-30 class.

Moving on to more advanced classes


Making up for Scout's lack of AoE skills, they get one at 30, 35, and 55. Wild Bombard at 30 is pretty good, and crasher at 35 is the best gunner skill. Following that is Wild Shot, level 45, but it is a one target attack and level 55 you get bazooka, with 13 second cooldown at max, and does really high damage. However, you'll find that your damage is a lot lower than other classes your level.


Level 30-48 is hell. Simply put. You get 1 more AoE skill, making a total of...3. Plus the 3rd skill, binding trap, sucks. However, you get leaf shield and spirit beam at 30. Leaf shield helps so much and has high damage, but spirit beam is like a nerfed version of 3 shots. At 35, you get potions plus, which helps save pots. At 48, you get pollen burst. At maxed, it does 56% of enemy health (unless boss/hero) and has a 16 second cooldown. Really helps with training. Also you get Arrow Barrage, which is like a better version of gatling gun. Finally, at level 60, you get cyclone arrow, which combined with Pollen burst will kill any mob you're training on.


Money Saver. This class has relatively high damage and INSANE defense (as in 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1). Their damage may seem to fall behind other classes at times, but the defense definitely makes up for it. This class is good for new players as they can make money without having to beg all the time. Easy, fun class.


Also a money maker. Their defense is quite low unless you go Vitality build, but if you do go VIT build, you will save a lot of money. By the time you reach level 50-60, you can solo moro and make a quite high profit off of selling equips. Warrior has one of the best skills in the game, "Burning Slash" unlocked at level 55. Warrior probably has the highest damage in the game, unless Ninja is higher. Not sure which is better, it's pretty close IMO.
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Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-01-31

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PostSubject: Re: View on every class   View on every class EmptyThu Mar 11, 2010 12:02 am

Knights are not easy class because of the "relatively high dmg" most people without patience would surely give up before lvl 80 >:O, but it is true with defense though, its insane, also as u hit 2k mp pots doesnt mean scat to u anymore since confession makes up for pots, and since of low mp cost.... kind of... and cooldowns for the skills makes confession lvl 3 cools fast enough to use before the 500mp mark.
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