I'm really really unhappy with the way things are with the guild now. Honestly. It's not anything personal but... it's just the way the guild is run. I don't really know how to explain it so I'm just gonna write a truckload of crap stuff below.
In the CBTs, our guild was family. Especially in CBT2. In CBT3 and CBT4, things changed, the evil teddybear left us. Many of our original members have quit, and new ones replaced them. But in CBT4, many of these members left too. Yet throughout the CBTs, even in CBT4 when there were only a handful of us active, I felt our guild was family. We were close. We partied together, did quests together, chat together etc. In OBT, I felt we lost this feeling in the guild. Too many of us have left, it no longer has the same family-like properties. The guild may be chattier now, that's good, but it lost it's sense of closeness together.
In CBT4, it was the time when like only me and stabz were alive. We set forth recruitting like mad. We had a purpose, to revive HnK. Now I feel, there is no purpose in this guild. Nothing seems left to be achieved.
Now I come to the issue about the leadership. And the direction of the guild is going. It seems, after the Europe IP block, and after so many Phillipines players have quit. No one seems to be online around the time I'm on. Everyone is on in America time. I do not know about matters of the guild or get to talk with many members anymore. I understand that people have lifes, so they can't be on THAT late at night. HnK is becoming more and more America-based. I do not like this... at all. The guild leader, Nikky, you need to keep one thing that has been with HnK from the very start. It is one of the most important aspects of guilds in games. It is: No one must ever be left out. I know it's kinda hard to find more Asia players, but you must not leave them out. You are giving the impression of a very active guild by day, a dead guild by night.
I'm taking a indefinite break from this guild, meaning I will not be around for quite some time. Nikkie may choose to expel me, or not. I'll be playing a new character, and I'll be on msn chat. I'm not happy with the way things are now, but I'm loyal to HnK and will never quit. So until things change for the better... I'm gone. Cya~
/I'll still be on for meh daily attendance =P